TCA Skin Peel: At Home or in the Office?

TCA skin peels can have great cosmetic benefits for acne, scars, wrinkles and blemishes. Once upon a time, chemical peels were only available in spas and doctor’s offices. Today, home chemical peel kits give you the option of performing your chemical peel yourself, at home. Let’s take a look at how the benefits of home peels compare to the benefits of in-office peels.

Benefits of TCA Home Peels

Mild TCA skin peels are often sold for use at home. These solutions typically contain between 10 and 20% trichloroacetic acid, or TCA, the active ingredient. The biggest benefit of home peels is that they’re significantly cheaper than in-office peels, making them attractive to many who can’t afford a professional peel. Since insurance companies typically won’t pay for cosmetic procedures, home peels make skin peeling accessible to more people.

Benefits of In-Office TCA Skin Peels

One of the benefits of having your TCA skin peel performed by a dermatologist is that you can rest assured of a minimal risk of complications. While the low acid concentrations found in home chemical peels make them generally safe for home use, there is a higher risk of complications, like scarring and hyperpigmentation, when you perform a chemical peel yourself. Your dermatologist has professional training in the chemical peel procedure, and you’re much less likely to experience complications under professional care.

Another benefit of in-office skin peeling is that you can have a deeper peel. Home chemical peel solutions are usually sufficient only for mild peels that remove the uppermost layers of your epidermis. Using a stronger peel solution to give yourself a deeper peel at home could be dangerous. A dermatologist can safely administer a medium to deep peel. Deeper peels are more effective against scars and discolorations of the skin. With a deeper peel, you can enjoy longer-lasting results and will likely need far fewer maintenance peels.