TCA Peels To Treat Scars

Benefits Of Using TCA

TCA which stands for trichloroacetic acid is a chemical used in skin peels to treat and even eliminate scarring. TCA is also the main ingredient in a medium skin peel. It is most often used to treat acne scars on the face and has been shown to get rid of other face impurities including pimples or discoloration It is also used to reduce wrinkles, even out skin tone and improve stretch marks. TCA has been used as a treatment for scars due to the removal of melanoma.

How TCA Is Used

When used as a peel on parts of the body other than the face the solution contains both TCA and glycolic acid (this acid is used in light skin peels). This solution is somewhat stronger than what is used for light peels but milder than the chemicals used for deep skin peels.

A dermatologist (a physician who specializes in skin care) will mix TCA with other substances into a cream then apply it to the skin usually with an applicator. It is then left on for about 15 to 20 minutes. After this time, a neutralizer is applied to stop the chemical’s action and to help remove them.

For a few days after the procedure a person will have a sunburned appearance and could have mild swelling. The peeling of the skin begins after a few days and last for about two weeks. After this time the skin will look and feel smoother.

About Chemical Peels

Chemical peels can last up to a year depending on the depth of and the area covered by the scars. If a large portion of the skin is covered by scarring additional treatments may be necessary and these are usually done three months apart.
Most people who have a peel have no serious side effects after the procedure. A dermatologist will take a full medical history before undergoing a skin peel. A person who has a history of heart disease, frequent blisters or cold sores or other medical conditions specified at a consultation may not be a good candidate for a peel.
The cost of chemical peels can vary from $500 to $800 depending on the area of skin treated and the physician. These peels typically are not covered by insurance as it is an elective procedure and not medically necessary.

Consult Medical Help

Even though TCA peels have been found to be the best method for treating acne and the resulting scars, a person should consult their dermatologist to determine if this procedure is right for them.