How To Choose The Right TCA Skin Peel

TCA skin peels can improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, scars and acne. Different types of TCA skin  peels can have different effects, so it’s important to choose the right one.

Choosing the Depth of Your TCA Skin Peel

Trichloroacetic acid, the active ingredient in TCA skin peels, can be used to administer chemical  peels of mild or medium depth, depending on how the acid is used. TCA can be used in a weak concentration to perform a mild peel, or in a stronger concentration to perform a medium to deep peel. Typical solutions contain 10 to 35% TCA. TCA is sometimes combined with CO2 or Jessner’s solution for deeper peels.

Mild peels are the safest type of chemical peel, with the fewest side effects and the shortest recovery time. They need to be repeated every one to three months to maintain results. Having a regular, mild TCA skin peel can help to improve acne, since it clears pores. Regular, mild TCA skin peels can help you maintain a youthful appearance.

Medium peels can be more effective against acne scars, hyper-pigmentation issues like sun damage or melasma, and wrinkles. Medium depth peels offer more dramatic results than mild peels, and don’t need to be repeated as often. Maintenance peels are needed at least every six months. If you take good care of your skin, results can last as long as two years.

TCA Skin Peels: At Home or in Office?

TCA skin peels can be performed in a dermatologist’s office, or you can try a home chemical peel kit. Home kits generally contain weaker, safer TCA solutions.

If you have never had a TCA peel before, it may be best to have your first peel performed by a doctor. At least, seek medical advice before you perform a home chemical peel. You may have specific skin issues of which you’re not aware; a dermatologist can give you advice about home chemical peel safety.

If you have experience with chemical peels, a TCA home peel might be right for you. Start with a concentration no higher than 12%. Never use a concentration higher than 25% for a home chemical peel, since high concentrations increase your risk of scarring and other complications.